Innovative Solutions for Crop Protection



Working with Industry Players to Innovate in Risk Management
Utilizing high-fidelity data and analytics to create valuable insights and risk management opportunities.
Pioneers in Parametric Agricultural Insurance
Canada’s first successful crop-specific parametric insurance product: Canola heat blast insurance provides automated peril monitoring at key stages of crop development.
Predictive Crop Analytics
Leveraging data science and high-tech monitoring solutions to predict yields for major western-Canadian crops to support the agricultural supply chain.

Product Portfolio
We’ve leveraged our unique capabilities to launch a diverse suite of products to serve the market.
Proven Solutions
Click a product to learn more

Canola Heat Blast Insurance
Crop Modelling & Back-Casting
Geospatial Weather Systems
Agriculture Peril Risk Monitoring
Reinsurance & Regulatory
Risk Modelling & Simulation
Actuarial Science Coordination
Parametric Index Design
Cloud Computing Infrastructure
Portal Development
Visualization Systems
First-of-its-Kind Coverage
In 2020, piloted the first successful canola heat blast coverage in Canada. Beginning in 2021, we partnered with a major seed manufacturer to provide farmers that purchased their high-end canola seed protect against yield reducing damage caused by excess heat during the flowering stage of the crop; adding value to a premium seed.

Real-Time Crop Monitoring
By understanding seeding date and location, monitored the development of the canola and automatically began assessing the impact of daytime temperatures exceeding 29 °C and nighttime temperatures exceeding 18 °C and assessing claims in real-time during its flowering period. Our canola heat blast coverage paid producers up to $100 dollars per acre all without needing to measure the claim against what farmers had “in the bin”.
Premium Seed and Protection
Layering parametric coverage into seed contracts added market value for the producer’s premium canola seed by creating coverage specifically for its growers. The same principle can be applied to other major crops where an environmental factor can be monitored and tied to the performance of a crop and is actively working to assess the viability of other parametric indices for other crops to provide simple and effective coverage without the need for complicated overhead and claims processes.

Fungicide Heat Blast Warranty
Geospatial Weather Systems
Agriculture Peril Risk Monitoring
Risk Modelling and Simulation
Parametric Index Design
Cloud Computing Infrastructure
Portal Development
Visualization Systems
A Novel Warranty Program
First launched in 2023, the Fungicide Heat Blast Warranty was a first-of-its-kind warranty program, paying producers up to $18 per acre when the applied canola fungicide was exposed to temperature in excess of 29 °C in the days following spraying. provided the analysis and monitoring required to administer the program.

Low Overhead Monitoring
With performing automated temperature monitoring on a per-township-basis in the days following fungicide application, the chemical manufacturer was able to focus on other aspects of the program, reducing the internal efforts required to administer the fungicide heat blast warranty program.
Ensuring Customer Satisfaction
By working with, chemical producers with environmentally sensitive products can create warranty programs that ensure that farmers are protected when environmental factors result in the need to re-apply their product. The solution can be tailored to the risks that affect the chemical and ensure that your customers are getting the most out of their application.

Satellite Forage Insurance
Geospatial Weather Systems
Satellite Imagery Indexing
Visualization Systems
Risk Modelling & Simulation
Parametric Index Design
Cloud Computing Infrastructure
Portal Development
Visualization Systems
Innovation Through Cooperation
Recognizing the need for a reliable forage insurance production, our team worked closely with industry partners to protect livestock farmers from below-average forage production. Leveraging sophisticated grassland health analysis methodologies, we monitor grassland biomass through high-fidelity satellite imagery indexing called the Grassland Production Index.

High-Fidelity Rainfall Data
While environmental monitoring using traditional weather stations only allows for roughly 200 points of measurement across western Canada, our solution creates 40,317 points of accurate rainfall measurement. Our innovative solution reduces the reliance on low-resolution monitoring and dramatically improves the quality of the available data.
Real-Time Monitoring
All grassland health monitoring is automated and conducted in real-time. This allows the model to dynamically update, empowering us to draw insights about grassland health and the risks associated with adverse weather patterns as the season progresses, rather than through a post-mortem after the season is over.

Advanced Underwriting Analytics
Crop Modelling / Back-casting
Geospatial Weather Systems
Predictive Analytics
Visualization Systems
Reinsurance & Regulatory
Risk Modelling & Simulation
Actuarial Science Coordination
Cloud Computing Infrastructure
A True Partnership
Beginning in 2022, the Parametrics team started providing Global Ag Risk Solutions analytical services to shape the future of their flagship product: Production Cost Insurance. The team leveraged Global Ag Risk’s datasets, along with our unique technical and analytical capabilities, and developed changes to the underwriting model to ensure the product was sustainable.

Understanding Risk Profiles
Our team leveraged machine-learning algorithms to analyse a combination of historic production performance, soil, weather, and geospatial data leveraging to drive meaningful insights about the product’s risk profile. Our findings indicated significant variations in risk across its geographical distribution.
Through our analysis, developed a Land-Based-Underwriting methodology to ensure that risk is being accounted for where is it most prevalent and empower Global Ag Risk Solutions to make sound underwriting decisions and offers of insurance.
Additional Parametric Coverage
Our additional offerings
We have a suite of ready-to-go solutions for a variety of environmental risks.
Drought Cover Insurance
Frost Cover Warranty
Soil Moisture Anomaly Index
Precipitation Cover Insurance
Flood Cover Insurance
Have an Idea for a Product?
Create Tailored Solutions from our Suite of Capabilities
Leverage our suite of capabilities to create a parametric product that suites your unique needs.
Digital Agronomy
Crop Modelling / Back-casting
Satellite Imagery Indexing
Geospatial weather systems
Predictive Analytics
GIS Mapping Systems
Agricultural Peril Risk Modelling
Product Design & Development
Reinsurance and Regulatory
Risk Modelling & Simulation
Actuarial Science Coordination
Parametric Index Design
Software Engineering
Cloud Computing Infrastructure
Visualization Systems
Portal Development

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8-54 Stadacona St. W
Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 1Z1
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